Love and Relationships

When A Man Has A Crush On You, He Always Says These Words

When A Guy Has A Crush On You He Always Says These Words

1. Can I hold your hands?

We express our feelings through the sense of touch. This has a whole lot of amazing benefits. So a guy who is crushing on you is the same. He would want to, at least, have physical contact with you (however with your permission). It shows he’s got a crush on you.

2. You are funny

This is among the words men say when they have a crush on you. They become white-honest in their evaluation of you. Moreover, we tend to sound funnier to the person crushing on us.

And so while in a discussion together, he comes out of his shell to tell you what he thinks about you which includes the statement above.

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3. You understand me well

When a guy’s got a crush on you , he will want you to know how he feels about you and so all along the time you’re discussing, he’s taking an inventory and analyzing things about you until sooner or later he tells you that you understand him well.

While it may not be in these exact terms, he will no doubt communicate the same thing to you.

4. Are you okay?

When a guy takes special interest in asking about your well-being, it shows he has a crush on you.

In most cases, he might be among the first people to notice that your countenance is not as bright as it used to be.

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5. You can always count on my support

If he is concerned about your success in whatever you’re doing, it shows he has you already in his heart. He wants you to know he can go the extra mile to give you whatever support you need to achieve your goal.

This shows that he considers you special to him.

6. You look amazing!

A guy who have a crush on a lady will want to compliment her outlook. So that day you decide to dress smartly and look good, if a guy walks up to you to tell you how amazing you look, then, he most likely has a crush on you. Most especially when he says it with a lot of excitement.

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