Life Hacks

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it …SAFE TO EAT OR NOT!

Watermelon has got to be one of our favorite fruits, especially when the mercury rises. It’s fresh, delicious and contains plenty of water, vitamins, sugars and natural energy. It is mostly composed by water and this is beneficial for health, since it has a diuretic effect once it is consumed

If you open a watermelon you find these cracks in it %E2%80%A6 DO NOT EAT IT

Watermelon is a delicious but mysterious fruit. Since it looks more or less the same on the outside, you just never know what is on the inside until you cut into it. You might end up with a watermelon that is bright yellow inside, but usually you will get a solid red core of juicy goodness, punctuated by small seeds — although there are also seedless varieties. However, occasionally you will find a melon that has a big crack in the middle of its flesh, and you may wonder how the damage was formed and whether it’s still good to eat.

If temperatures are above 30 degrees, you can consume a piece of watermelon and you will have a fresh sensation in your body. This fruit is highly recommended as it has great properties that benefit your health.

It is very easy to get and is also extremely economical, and perhaps, its best advantage is that it yields for many days.

Unfortunately not everything is so good, there are some that can cause you some damage.

Although hard to believe, there are times that watermelon can generate serious health problems, it is important to know all the characteristics of this fruit so that when you notice something strange you can discard it and avoid physical problems.

If you find a watermelon that’s cracked on the inside, rest easy knowing that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your pick. This facet is simply caused by environmental factors, and the crack is not a sign of rot or disease. In fact, the flesh around the fissure can even be sweeter than a “normal” watermelon, since the sugars are more concentrated.

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Known in the agricultural industry as “hollow heart,” an interior crack in a watermelon is difficult to identify at first look. From the outside, it will appear identical to any other melon. The phenomenon was likely simply caused by uneven pollination, a key part of the process for plants bearing fruit. In the past, it was thought that the cause of melon cracks may have been due to soil condition and nitrogen levels, but more recent research has pinpointed the true cause of hollow hearts as pollination factors.

Since these cracks are formed naturally and are not a symptom of disease, watermelons with hollow hearts are not dangerous or inedible. Although it might be difficult to carve out uniform-sized pieces for your fruit spread, the flesh is perfectly safe to eat. If you happen to have a watermelon with cracks inside, you can still use it in multiple ways, too.

Known in the agricultural industry as “hollow heart,” an interior crack in a watermelon is difficult to identify at first look. From the outside, it will appear identical to any other melon. The phenomenon was likely simply caused by uneven pollination, a key part of the process for plants bearing fruit. In the past, it was thought that the cause of melon cracks may have been due to soil condition and nitrogen levels, but more recent research has pinpointed the true cause of hollow hearts as pollination factors.

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This chemical is known as Forchlorfenuron. With this the fruits are pulverized, with which accelerates the growth of the fruits.

The biggest problem with this chemical is that when it enters the body can generate cancer and neurological problems. Which are very difficult to heal.

Avoid consume watermelon when you are in this state, remember that health comes first.

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