
15 People That Got Lucky for a Split Second, and That Was Enough

A teacher with 25 years of experience decided to plan a trip before her retirement. She bought an insurance plan for $400 and read the terms written in the tiny font. And on page 7, she noticed some info about a contest that “paid to read.” She sent a text message to the number that was in the contract and got $10,000.

The people from this compilation are also very lucky: they read in-between the lines, somehow avoid falling trees, and are always in the right place at the right time. We at Alternatech also prepared a bonus for you from our users at the end of this article.

1. “I moved the dryer in our new house and found $105 in the vent.”

© TipsyMc_stage / Reddit

2. “The way this branch fell around this car”

© ja2854 / Reddit

3. A fan bet $20 and won almost $16,000 by guessing the exact score between the teams.

© sotnix / Pikabu

4. “This huge strawberry I found today!”

© m0untaingoat / Reddit

5. “I was eating pancakes with jam and this is what happened.”

© karina_08_ / Twitter

6. Nice parking job!

© Alexvs2007 / Pikabu

7. “My cat has been missing for 2 months and we just found him today! I just needed to share as I’m over the moon with happiness — and so is he!”

© michaelscat2 / Twitter

8. “I found a live butterfly in my broccoli that I bought (and refrigerated) 5 days ago.”

© moesickle / Reddit

9. “A lucky car owner in Rubizhne (Ukraine) after yesterday’s rain”

© tw272727 / Reddit

10. So this is what “2 times bigger” means…

© Scoobyk / Pikabu

11. “I stayed at my sister’s place and slept in my nephew’s bed. This is the view from that bed this morning. What a lucky kid!”

© mypandanashirt / Reddit

12. “Dropped my crumpet over my cup of tea and thought I’d lost it. Turns out I’m rather lucky today.”

© tetsuya11 / Reddit

13. “Either I’m very lucky or I need a dosimeter.”

© somsok5412 / Twitter

14. “Found an 1899 penny while walking my dog!”

© Stenik0522 / Reddit

15. “Today, I’m lucky! I got an extra fork in the noodle pack.”

© IIacnapmy / Pikabu

Bonus: Sometimes, it’s better to stay silent.

I went to my relatives’ house for a sleepover. There are 7 people in the family, plus me and 2 other relatives. I went to sleep on the floor under the window. In the middle of the night, I felt something touch my shoulder. So I opened my eyes and I saw a dark figure step over everyone on the floor. This person went to the closet, looked through it, and put something into his bag. He was very quiet and careful. I was really scared. After a few minutes, the figure decided to leave. He stepped over everyone and got out through the window. Several seconds later, I woke everyone up. We called the police and 3 hours later, the thief was caught. The police said, “It’s good that you didn’t make a sound because he was armed and could’ve started shooting if he panicked.” © dda7 / Pikabu

Do you know people who seem to always be lucky? Why do you think that is? Are they just lucky for no reason or do they have a certain kind of personality that warrants it?

Preview photo credit dda7 / Pikabu

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