Health and Fitness

10 Signs You’re Living With Clogged Arteries

Clogged arteries are a dangerous business. They can cause many health issues, the most dangerous of those being high blood pressure and heart attack.

But how do you figure out that your arteries might be clogged before things get bad or need medical intervention? Pay attention to your body: These are the signs of clogged arteries that you might not be noticing.

10 Warning Signs of Clogged Arteries

man with clogged arteries
Credit: Shutterstock

Knowing the Signs

Atherosclerosis disease, narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup on the artery walls. Treatment of blockage of flow in vessels and regulation of blood pressure. Cholesterol and blood clots.
Credit: Shutterstock

Knowing the early signs of clogged arteries is crucial to resolve the problem before it poses such a significant risk to your health. Thankfully, you can improve clogged arteries with some simple diet and exercise interventions. If they are quite heavily clogged or you have a family history of heart problems, your doctor may also put you on some medications to help keep your arteries in check. If you have any of these ten warning signs of clogged arteries, see your doctor right away to come up with a plan to improve them.


Female suffers from nausea and vomiting due to digestive and stomach illness problems and gastrointestinal system diseases or food poisoning. Morning toxicosis in first trimester of pregnancy
Credit: ShutterstockRealistically, what condition isn’t nausea a symptom of? One of our body’s most astute ways of telling us something is wrong is by making us nauseous. Of course, just because you’re feeling nauseous doesn’t mean you have clogged arteries. Still, if it is ongoing you should go talk to your doctor about it.

Chest Pain

Senior Woman Suffering From Chest Pain While Sitting On Bench
Credit: Shutterstock

Shortness of breath

Young woman suffering from breathing problem near window indoors
Credit: Shutterstock

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